

Personal Website

personal site

Next.js, Tailwind, Node.js, TypeScript

A portfolio website to showcase my skills and projects. I am planning on regularly updating this site as I build more projects in the future.

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3D Gundam Simulation Game

seattle crime locator

SvelteKit, Three.js, Tailwind, TypeScript, Vite

A first person shooter simulation game aiming to envision the experience of piloting a gundam from the popular TV Shows. This project was made with the intent to learn the Three.js library to animate and visualize 3D models on the browser.

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seattle crime locator

FastAPI, Python, MongoDB

A chatbot that can answer simple questions about me and learn as the user continues talking with it. This was my first time using python to make a rest API. The user interface is made using NextJS and is a part of this portfolio site.

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Package Tracker

package tracker

Next.js, Firebase, Node.js, TypeScript

A web app that tracks locations of packages in real time and their status. This project was made for Transport Hacks and won first place.

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Svelte, Tailwind, TypeScript, Chart.js

A web game that challenges players to guess the rank of a player based on a short video. The game features videos of games such as League of Legends, Valorant, and Overwatch2. There are two game modes: traditional where the user guesses one video and duel where the user guesses between 2 videos who has the higher rank.

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Web Dev Evaluator

web dev evaluator

Next.js, TypeScript, Tailwind, Rust, MongoDB

A website that provides sentiment and statistics about each web development technology in 2022. Gathered and analyzed a dataset of over 48,000 tweets.

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Seattle Crime Locator

seattle crime locator

JavaScript, HTML, CSS, OpenLayers

A simple web application to locate the nearest crime from either the user's ip address or a given address. The web app sources it's data from the spd public dataset on the Seattle Open Data Portal that is updated daily. This was my first ever web application built and I am proud of my progress since.

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Kyle Leung 2024
